Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hazuki Ishigaki: Shenmue Release Event in Akihabara (December 1999) & Official Profile

Continuing on with the topic of Hazuki Ishigaki (check out the Interview with Hazuki Ishigaki in Yokosuka), who played Shenhua in the Japanese versions of the first two games in the series, here is a post she made on her online diary at the time. It contains a small selection of photos and comments about her attendance at a release event, held in Akihabara on Shenmue's release date in Japan: December 29, 1999.

Below this we've translated her official profile from 2004, showing other TV and radio shows she had been involved in at the time.

So let's get started with the diary photos she posted, with a translation of her comment under each.

--- Hazuki Ishigaki's diary post (29 December 1999) ---

Today, a Shenmue Release Event was held at Yamagiwa Soft in Akihabara. We were lucky to have a warm and refreshing day under a broad blue sky, unusual for this time of year.

Everyone who had been looking forward to this day gathered here along with a large number of reporters. There was wide coverage from radio, television, magazines, and on the internet. Remarkably, there was even a representative from a French gaming magazine (their business card said 'Journalist, Japan Representative') who had traveled all the way to cover the event!

The event was hosted by Mr. Fujita from Yamagiwa Soft, known from TBS Radio's 'Anime Donburi'. As I gave a radio interview, I could hear Mr. Fujita calling out, 'How about a copy of Shenmue?' and I couldn’t help but think to myself that he sounded a bit like a greengrocer calling to customers. Meanwhile, for some reason only Masaya Matsukaze, who played the role of Ryo, seems to be looking directly at the camera…

We were giving away signed character illustrations, so I was busy signing them. By the way, the artwork was the same as featured on the cover of Shenmue and has a very beautiful design.

During the handshake event, I also received a bouquet with a "Congratulations on your debut" message. The word 'debut' has such a captivating ring to it…!

Many people came, including those who took time off work to be here, despite the busy end-of-year period. It really made me feel that all the long hours and hard work were worth it.

Once the event had successfully wrapped up, I could finally relax a bit. But now, there’s the live broadcast of 'Anime Donburi' to prepare for. I’ve got to give it my all!!

Hazuki Ishigaki's Profile (from her agency website in 2004)

Below is a translation of the profile for Hazuki Ishigaki from a 2004 archived page from the site of Sky Corporation, the agency with whom she was affiliated. This was the last year in which her name appeared in the agency's current listings.

Hazuki Ishigaki

Real name / Akiko Ishigaki

Date of birth / July 12, 1978

Blood type / AB

Hometown / Hokkaido

Measurements / Height 160cm / Bust 80cm / Weight 58cm / Hips 82cm / Shoe 23cm

Languages / Currently studying Korean (studied abroad in Seoul in 2004). Ishigaki used to live in Kyoto, so can speak the Kansai dialect.

Hobbies / Knitting, aromatherapy, tennis, Japanese dance

Special skills / Painting, Rakugo*

*Rakugo = Japanese verbal comedy

▼  TV

1997 NHK Wednesday Drama "Uwasa no Denjiro"

1998 TX "One Scene"

2000 TX "Anime Fantasy Research Institute! GET! AT-X"

2000 TX "A-1 Grand Prix! GET! AT-X"

2003 CX Drama "Gourmet Guardians"

2003 CS Science Channel "When the Seasons Change II" (5 episodes) guest star. Produced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Science and Technology Promotion Corporation

2004 SKY PerfecTV "Enjoy! A Trip to a Korean Casino Resort"


1999.4-2000.9 TBS Radio

"Radio Anime Donburi"

1999.12-2000.3 Osaka Cable

"Masato Yamada's Romantic Horse Racing Theater"

2000 TOYOTA (Cable)



1998.3~ NTT DOCOMO Shikoku

2000.1~ Manulife Century Life Insurance

2000.2~ DirecTV AT-X


Image girl for heroine Shenhua Ling

Released 12/29/1999:

[Sega Dreamcast] Shenmue ~Chapter One: Yokosuka~

Released 9/6/2001:

[Sega Dreamcast] Shenmue II


10/2000~ "Hobby Graphic TV"


Monthly "Debut" released on November 1, 2003.

From November 14, 2003. Asahi Shimbun web magazine. 


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