Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hazuki Ishigaki: Shenmue Release Event in Akihabara (December 1999) & Official Profile

Continuing on with the topic of Hazuki Ishigaki (check out the Interview with Hazuki Ishigaki in Yokosuka), who played Shenhua in the Japanese versions of the first two games in the series, here is a post she made on her online diary at the time. It contains a small selection of photos and comments about her attendance at a release event, held in Akihabara on Shenmue's release date in Japan: December 29, 1999.

Below this we've translated her official profile from 2004, showing other TV and radio shows she had been involved in at the time.

So let's get started with the diary photos she posted, with a translation of her comment under each.

--- Hazuki Ishigaki's diary post (29 December 1999) ---

Today, a Shenmue Release Event was held at Yamagiwa Soft in Akihabara. We were lucky to have a warm and refreshing day under a broad blue sky, unusual for this time of year.

Everyone who had been looking forward to this day gathered here along with a large number of reporters. There was wide coverage from radio, television, magazines, and on the internet. Remarkably, there was even a representative from a French gaming magazine (their business card said 'Journalist, Japan Representative') who had traveled all the way to cover the event!
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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Poll Result: Patrons' Choice Topic for March 2025

Every month Phantom River Stone holds a poll among our patrons to choose a topic for the blog in the coming month. After tallying the votes (including accumulated votes from previous months), the winning topic that has been voted this time is:

"Shenmue: The Animation - Interview with Masaya Matsukaze (Animate Times)"

Shenmue: The Animation aired globally in early 2022 (yes, almost two years ago!), introducing a new generation of fans to Ryo's journey.

In the Japanese-voiced version of the animation, Masaya Matsukaze once again takes on the role of Ryo Hazuki. As the long-time voice behind the character, Matsukaze offers unique insights into Ryo's  development, both in the original game series and its anime adaptation.

In this interview published by Animate Times, he talks about his experiences reprising the role, sharing his thoughts on Ryo’s personality, the story's themes, and the challenges of adapting the Shenmue world for animation.

Coming soon to the blog! 

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Interview with Hazuki Ishigaki in Yokosuka | Dreamcast Magazine October 1999

In this post, we will be translating a feature about Hazuki Ishigaki, the voice actress for Shenhua in the Japanese version of the first two Shenmue games, from a magazine at the time.

Ishigaki was 21 years old at the time, and her acting and voicing career had started a couple of years earlier, with appearances on Japanese TV and radio prior to her work for the Shenmue games. Online information suggests that she retired from acting around March 2004.

The magazine feature was published in the Japanese Dreamcast Magazine's October 1999 edition, and contains a series of Q&A as well as Shenhua cosplay photos taken on location around Dobuita St, Yokosuka. 

Although this was still a few months before the release of the first Shenmue game at the end of that year - and well before Shenhua would be properly seen in-game in the second game - the character of Shenhua would already have been a familiar sight to gaming enthusiasts from promotional material and magazine articles.

The introduction to the interview article states:

"Thank you for waiting, Hazuki-chan fans. Shenhua couldn't wait any longer for her turn to come, so she has come to the streets of Yokosuka! What discoveries await her in this foreign land?"


At the time of publication of this article in September 1999 (although the magazine was officially the October 1st edition), interest in Shenmue had been further fueled with the distribution of the What's Shenmue demo to the public. Regarding the full game, the release date was officially still scheduled for October 28th, although a delay would be announced soon afterwards. The autumn edition of the Tokyo Game Show was to take place September 17th-19th, with a special Shenmue promotion at the Sega booth.

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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Poll Result: Patrons' Choice Topic for February 2025

Every month Phantom River Stone holds a poll among our patrons to choose a topic for the blog in the coming month. After tallying the votes (including accumulated votes from previous months), the winning topic that has been voted this time is:

"Weekly AM2: Translation of Next Issues (Vols. 13 & 14)"

The topic selected this time is a continuation of our translations of the official online magazine published by Sega's AM2 team back in the day, the Weekly AM2. This magazine published content about the Shenmue series from December 1999 through to around the release of Shenmue II in 2001, and a link to issues of the Weekly AM2 thereafter became a regular feature of the website.

This time we will be translating further editions of the Weekly AM2: Volumes 13 & 14, published online on 7th March and 14th March 2000.

Vol. 13 Preview of Shenmue-related content:
  • Shenmue Director Okabayashi to Appear on TV
  • Hazuki-chan to Appear on an Internet Program!!
Vol. 14 Preview of Shenmue-related content:
  • New Content Now Available on Shenmue Passport
  • Wallpaper Download
  • Submissions Wanted: Shenmue Illustrations & 4-Panel Manga
  • Ringtone #3
These editions will be translated in a future post on the blog.

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Weekly AM2 Volume 12 [29th Feb 2000] - Guizhang Chen's Background

In this series we translate Shenmue content from Weekly AM2, the official online magazine published by Sega's AM2 development team back in the day. These pages regularly featured news and information about the Shenmue series from the end of 1999 through to 2001 with the release of Shenmue II.

Shenmue content in Vol. 12 features a developer interview about the character of Guizhang Chen, providing insight into how his character design came about, and even some of his hobbies!



Vol. 12: 29th Feb. 2000

Hello, it's Takuan!

Did you attend AOU2000*?
The excitement and the crowd were overwhelming.
I've written a report on it, so please check it out.

We have an article that fans of Guizhang from Shenmue Chapter One: Yokosuka will love.
There are also plenty of other articles that can only be read here, so don't miss this week's Weekly AM2!
Let's get into it!

*Note from Switch: the AOU Show (Amusement machine Operators' Union), was an annual show held in Japan for arcade and amusement machine companies to exhibit their hardware to the public. It  ran from 1986 until 2013. In 2000 it was held at the Makuhari Messe convention center near Tokyo.

This week's contents:
  • AOU2000 Report [not translated]
  • Insights into the Creation of the Super-Popular Character of Guizhang
  • Interview with 18 Wheeler Developer Mr. Goji [not translated]
  • Four-Panel Manga Submissions

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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Examining Shenmue II Storyboards | Design Documents

In the Spring of 2022, a promotional event was held on location in Yokosuka to celebrate the anime adaptation of Shenmue, Shenmue The Animation, which was organized by Yokosuka City in collaboration with SEGA and IGN Japan. Various pieces of concept artwork were exhibited at a number of shops in the area, some being from the anime while others were sketches and illustrations from the time of development of the first two games.

Among the artwork were reproductions of certain storyboards from the game, detailing the camera shots and spoken lines to guide creation of cut scenes in the game. 

The three storyboards exhibited at the event which we will cover in this post are from Shenmue II and are entitled:

  1. "Encounter with Joy"
  2. "Xiuying's Tears"
  3. "Encounter with Shenhua"

We will be looking at these in more detail and translating any written notes and characters' lines, noting differences of interest between the storyboards and the final implementation of the cut scenes in the game.

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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poll Result: Patrons' Choice Topic for January 2025

Every month Phantom River Stone holds a poll among our patrons to choose a topic for the blog in the coming month. After tallying the votes (including accumulated votes from previous months), the winning topic that has been voted this time is:

"Photo shoot: Megumi Yasu as Nozomi Harasaki + Mini Interview [Dreamcast Magazine March 2000]"

The March 2000 editions of Japan's Dreamcast magazine featured cosplay by Megumi Yasu, the voice actress who performed the voice of Nozomi Harasaki in the Japanese version of Shenmue.

Accompanying the Nozomi Harasaki cosplay photos was a brief interview with the actress, which we will also be translating.

Coming soon to the blog!

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