Today we have a special interview with mappy, one of the team of artists (who are also of course Shenmue fans!) who recently released an amazing limited-print Shenmue doujinshi [fan-made comic book] called "Mankan Zenseki".
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The cover of the "Mankan Zenseki" comic book. |
The original interview in Japanese is included after the English translation.英訳の後に日本語のインタビューの原文を掲載しています。
The book represents an updated edition of content that the artists published previously between 2002 and 2008, with new comics and some color illustrations added.
mappy: From 2002 to 2008, I was active as a Shenmue fan comic creator at the Comic Market. This time, with the release of 3, I came back and made a new doujinshi. The writing team consists of me, mappy, my husband Aragon, my sister Hawk, and my friend of 20 years ohji. All of us are involved in various fields such as manga, figures, and games.
mappy: I was interested in this game and I bought it because it was set in Kowloon Walled City, but I found myself captivated by the city of Yokosuka (laughs).
mappy: I loved the somewhat sad and wistful scenery and was immersed in the world. I think Shenmue was quite a pioneering game at the time, and the background and density of the 3D city and the characters in it is something you don't see very often in modern games.
mappy: First place: Chapter 1 ~Yokosuka~.

mappy: I like the main character Ryo the most. As for minor characters, maybe Goro.
mappy: I was surprised at first, but when I learned the reasons, I was convinced that we're of exactly the same mind.
mappy: First of all, I hope that the new anime will be delivered safely. And also I wish for the development of the sequel to the main story, 4. This is something I hope that this will be realized at all costs. I'll do anything for it (laughs). I'm always ready to help fund it on Kickstarter!
Note on the illustrations in this post: Mappy has kindly given us permission to reproduce some sample pages from the book in this post, and Daniel Mann has done a wonderful job of turning these into English scanlations! (We plan to feature more of his sample page scanlations in a future post). Note that the panels read right to left.
PRS: To start, could you please introduce yourself?
mappy: My name is mappy. I have been a Shenmue fan since 2001.
Shenmue Fan-made Book “Mankan Zenseki”
PRS: I really enjoyed reading your Shenmue fan-made book! By the way, what does its name “Mankan Zenseki” mean?
mappy: Thank you very much for reading it! They call the more than 100 different types of imperial dishes in Chinese cuisine "Mankan Zenseki". Since this doujinshi was exactly 100 pages long, we decided on this title.
PRS: Could you tell us about the history of the book and how it came about? Who was involved in creating it?
PRS: Would you consider making an English version? (We would be happy to help with a translation!)
mappy: We are not thinking about it at the moment, but we are grateful for the requests we have received.
PRS: The polaroid photos of Dobuita that you included along with the books are really neat! When were the photos taken?
mappy: These photos were taken in 2019 when I visited Yokosuka for the Sacred Spot promotion.
The #Shenmue Doujinshi fanbook has arrived and it’s super awesome! I grabbed two copies to create the full cover!
— James Brown (@SkillJim) January 14, 2021
Thank you to mappy, @arai_11 and everyone involved 😊! Will use it to brush up on my Japanese reading.🤓
Also, possibly your youngest reader? 👶
The Shenmue Series
PRS: Could you tell us about how you first discovered Shenmue and what you thought about it? Was it at the time of the game’s release, or later?
PRS: What did you think of how Yokosuka and Japan were recreated? Was playing a game set in a real-world town that you could visit something that was unique for Japanese gamers at the time?
PRS: What is your personal ranking of the Shenmue games so far?
Second place: Shenmue 2.
Third place: Shenmue 3.
I especially like Chapter 1.

PRS: Who is your favorite Shenmue character, and why?
PRS: What is it that attracts you most to Shenmue?
mappy: The unique and atmospheric graphics, the strong characters, and the gritty story are very appealing. The various songs that match the game perfectly are also great.
PRS: Were you surprised how popular Shenmue is with gamers overseas?
PRS: Are there any other games set in other real world locations you have a particular fondness for?
mappy: I like the "Kenka Bancho" series, especially 1 and 2, because of their comical depiction of 80's style Japan.
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The first game in the "Kenka Bancho" series about brawling high school students was released in 2005. The third game in the series was localized for release outside Japan. |
Shenmue Events
PRS: Did you play “Shenmue Gai” (Shenmue City / Shenmue Town) which was released in 2011?
mappy: I didn’t play it, even though I attended the launch presentation. The service was terminated while I was waiting for the iPhone version to be released.
PRS: How did you feel when the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter was announced?
mappy: Every year during E3, I had been hoping for the announcement, but I never thought that it would actually happen, and my heart stopped. That day, I received many congratulatory messages from my friends (laughs).
PRS: Have you attended any Shenmue events over the years? For example the Shenmue Premiere, TGS, the Network Jungle.
mappy: I attended the “Shenmue-Gai” production presentation, the Shenmue Fan Meeting, and the 2019 Tokyo Game Show just before the release of 3.
The Shenmue Community
PRS: Could you tell us about your “Yokosuka Side Story” website that is mentioned in the fan manga?
mappy: This is a fan site that I run together with my husband Aragon, who is also a Shenmue fan. We mainly post fan art and reports on our “Sacred Spot” pilgrimages. We've made it in the nostalgic internet style of the time when Shenmue was first released. Please come and visit!
PRS: What sort of communication and activities do Shenmue fans get up to in Japan?
mappy: Everyone posts up their own wonderful works on Twitter, including illustrations, cosplay, music, figures, and videos. Enthusiastic fans are interacting with each other across generations.
Shenmue's Future
PRS: What are your hopes for Shenmue this year?
PRS: Do you have any more Shenmue projects in progress or planned?
mappy: I'd like to make a doujinshi with all my illustrations in one book.
A Message for Shenmue Fans
PRS: Finally, do you have a message for other Shenmue fans around the world?
mappy: I believe it was the voices of the fans around the world that made the release of 3 possible. We were able to get the deluxe limited editions, records, and other goods from thanks to creators who understand Shenmue. As a fan of Shenmue in Japan, I'm very happy about that. Thank you all very much.
PRS: Thank you very much for taking part in this interview!
mappy: And thank you very much too!
This is the end of the interview. Would you be interested in purchasing an English version of this book, if one was ever to be considered in the future? Please let us know in the comments or on social media! We'd love to pass feedback about interest from fans back to mappy and the other project members.The Japanese version of the interview follows below.
PRS: はじめに、簡単な自己紹介をお願いします。
mappy: mappyと言います。シェンム―ファン歴は2001年からになります。
PRS: シェンムーの同人誌を読むのがとても楽しかったです。「満漢全席」というタイトルですが、どういう意味でしょうか?
mappy: 読んで下さってありがとうございます! 中華料理で100種類を超える宮廷料理のことを、「満漢全席」と呼ぶそうです。今回の同人誌がちょうど100ページだったこともあり、こちらのタイトルになりました。
PRS: 今回のシェンムー同人誌が出来るまでの経緯を教えてください。どんな方々が制作に関わったのですか。
mappy: 2002年から2008年まで、コミックマーケットでシェンム―のファンサークルとして活動していました。今回3の発売をきっかけに復帰し、新たに同人誌を作りました。
PRS: 英語版の出版は考えていらっしゃいますか?(翻訳は喜んでお手伝いいたします!)
mappy: 今のところ考えておりませんが、ありがたいことにご要望はいくつか頂いております。
PRS: ドブ板のポラロイド写真がとても素敵ですが、その写真はいつ撮ったものですか。
mappy: こちらの写真は2019年、聖地巡礼キャンペーンで横須賀へ訪れた際に撮りました。
The #Shenmue Doujinshi fanbook has arrived and it’s super awesome! I grabbed two copies to create the full cover!
— James Brown (@SkillJim) January 14, 2021
Thank you to mappy, @arai_11 and everyone involved 😊! Will use it to brush up on my Japanese reading.🤓
Also, possibly your youngest reader? 👶
PRS: シェンムーを初めて知ったきっかけとその時の感想をお聞かせください。
mappy: 九龍城が舞台になっているゲームということで注目し、購入したのですが、気が付けば横須賀の街の虜になっていました(笑)。
PRS: ドリームキャストで再現された横須賀や日本の風景はいかがでしたか?現実世界の町を舞台にしたゲームをプレイすることは当時、日本のゲーマーにとって珍しいことでしたか?
mappy: どこか物悲しい、切なさのある風景がお気に入りで、その世界観に浸っていました。当時、シェンム―はかなり先駆け的なゲームだったと思います。3Dで作りこまれた街と、そこに配置された登場人物たちの背景と密度は、現代のゲームでもなかなかお目にかかれないものだと思います。
PRS: シェンムーシリーズの3ゲームのランキング(好きな順)を教えてください
mappy: 1位・一章横須賀 2位・2 3位・3 です。一章は特別に好きです。
PRS: シェンムーのキャラクターの中では好きなキャラクターは誰ですか?
mappy: 主人公の涼が一番好きです。サブキャラクターではゴローかな。
mappy: 独特の空気感漂うグラフィック、濃いキャラクター、そして硬派なストーリーに魅力を感じます。そこに見事にマッチした楽曲の数々も最高です。
PRS: シェンムーの海外での人気の高さには驚きましたか?
mappy: 最初は驚きましたが、理由を知って「まさに同志」と、納得してしまいました。
PRS: シェンムーのように、現実世界を舞台にした、気に入っているゲームは他にありますか?
mappy: 『喧嘩番長』シリーズのとくに1・2は、80年代テイストの日本がコミカルに描かれていて、気に入っています。
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喧嘩番長 (2005) |
PRS: 2011年に出た「シェンムー街」はその当時プレイしましたか?いかがでしたか。
mappy: 制作発表会まで参加したのにも関わらず、未プレイでした。iPhone版のリリーズを待つうちに、サービスが終了してしまいました。
PRS: 「シェンムー3」のキックスターターが発表された時はどう感じましたか?
mappy: 毎年E3の時期は少なからず期待をしていましたが、まさか本当に発表されるとは思わず、心臓が止まる思いでした。その日は、友人たちから多くの祝福のメッセージをもらいました(笑)。
PRS: これまでに何かシェンムーのイベントに参加したことはありますか?例えば、99年のデジタライランド、シェンムーの開発発表会、東京ゲームショウ、など。
mappy: シェンム―街制作発表会、シェンムーファンミーティング、3発売直前の2019年東京ゲームショウに参加しました。
PRS: 同人誌に出ている、「ヨコスカサイドストーリー」というサイトについて教えて頂けますか。
mappy: 同じシェンム―ファンである、夫のAragonと共同で運営するファンサイトです。主にファンアートや、聖地巡礼レポートを掲載しています。シェンム―が発売された頃の、懐かしいインターネットの雰囲気でやっています。是非遊びに来てください!
PRS: 日本のシェンムーファンはどのようなやり取りや活動をしていますか?
mappy: Twitterを中心にイラスト、コスプレ、音楽、フィギュア、動画など、皆さんそれぞれ素敵な作品を発表されています。熱心なファンの方達が、世代を超えて交流しています。
PRS: これからの「シェンムー」に対しての期待していることは?
mappy: まずは新作アニメが無事に配信されることを祈っています。そして本編の続編である、4の開発。これはなんとしても実現して欲しいと思います。そのためなら何でもします(笑)。キックスターター出資の準備は、いつでもできています!
PRS: 他に現在進行中や予定しているシェンムーのプロジェクトはありますか?
mappy: 描き溜めているイラストを、一冊にまとめた同人誌を作りたいです。
PRS: 最後となりますが、世界中のシェンムーファンに何か一言をお願いします。
mappy: 3の発売を実現してくれたのは、世界中のファンの方達による呼びかけのおかげだと思っています。豪華特典付きの限定版や、レコードなどのグッズも、シェンム―へ理解のあるクリエイターの力があってこそ、手に入れることができました。それは日本のいちファンとして、とても幸せなことです。皆さん、本当に有難うございます。
PRS: この度は取材にご回答いただき、誠にありがとうございました。
mappy: (こちらこそ、本当にありがとうございました!)
Once again, thank you very much to mappy for taking the time for this interview and for sharing her perspective as a Shenmue fan in Japan!
Contact information:
Also check out the Yokosuka Side Story website for more Shenmue illustrations and art!
Also check out the Yokosuka Side Story website for more Shenmue illustrations and art!
I would be interested if an english version is made available for purchase with international shipping.
ReplyDeleteGreat, thanks for letting us know!
DeleteWill they end up doing another run of it? Or is it a one time deal. Because I totally would buy a copy of the original language book if they did another run of it.
ReplyDeleteI think it was planned to be a one-time deal - but never say never, I plan to ask mappy about it with the overseas feedback.
Deletehope it's not too late but i would also totally buy this!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback!